Sunday, February 20, 2011

Plastic Flowers - Drive me home

Plastic Flowers - Drive Me Home from Panaframe ▲ on Vimeo.

Plastic Flowers is the project of Sean Beard. A small framed, black haired young musical entrepreneur. He makes modular synthesizers by hand and crafts lush melodies in his free time. I've run into Sean around Tallahassee for many years now, always in new project formations...It seems he's always on to something new...but this plastic flowers project has a particular resonance for me. It's like a glitter party in the dark with an occasional strobe light flashing. It's like the 80's rushing by on a beautiful listless train that you stop and admire while smoking a cigarette where the color of smoke keeps changing. Nostalgia and loneliness come to mind, with adept hints of passion and hope wrapped in a blanket that you want to hide under and hope the stars are out by the time you uncover your self. The name it self seems a perfect representation of the music, which doesn't happen all that often lately. What does a plastic flower smell like.. I wonder? Unless it's doused in chemical applications or young lust, there is little to be said for the sensation, but smelling generally doesn't coincide with listening...two senses that rarely collide. Plastic Flowers has videos for all of his songs that are perfectly matched and mixed with the musical feel, which I adore and thoroughly support. I believe there is much more to come from this Tallahassee treasure. Stay tuned and enjoy this track/video that evokes a great mood.
-SGR ∆

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